Vegas, Baby!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

 Before we left, we had to take advantage of the short drive to Vegas! We took a day trip to check out what Vegas had in store for us.

We were able to meet up with Adam's great Uncle and Aunt and had a wonderful visit with them.

We walked down the strip and explored the casinos. We actually ran into quite a few Brazilians and I was able to speak Portuguese with them!

We especially enjoyed sneaking up the elevator in the Luxor (the pyramid casino) and walking down the hallway....NOT!!! We were 10 floors up and the view into the casino lobby made our knees shake. Have you ever felt that wooziness that comes when you see how high up you really are?! We most certainly did. So, we dared each other to walk to the other end of the hallway, but neither made it because we got too swervy and dizzy halfway through. Haha!

At the end of a long, fun, noisy, crowded day, we finally were able to see a Cirque de Soleil show- KA. It was amazing! If you ever have the opportunity to go to one of their shows, do it! They are so neat!
I had to sneak a picture with part of the set behind me because it was so cool looking!
(I thought our phones would take better quality photos... bummer)

And some funny faces from Adam are always included.

Overall, we had a wonderful time! 


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