Here we go!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

  We finally decided to jump on the blogging bandwagon and add a new one to the pile. This is a great way to create an online "journal/scrapbook" of our new life. So here it is, we now introduce to you....(drumroll please):

 ASH: These are the happy remains of our ongoing life together!

We are the Hogge Family as of January 5, 2013. If you haven't figured it out already, ASH is our acronym for Adam & Stephanie Hogge. Currently we are living with my grandparents in St. George area. It has been fun to start our life together and to already create fun stories to tell our "future children".

There are many fun tales to tell, so check back often to laugh and, well, laugh some more. We'll see you soon!


  1. Happy you started a blog! I love having a place to write about all the fun times of life. So fun to look back through all the posts years or months later. Glad you're enjoying married life.

  2. I love Blogs! You guys are very cute. Looks like life is treating you 2 wel. Dont forget to come and visit us while you are still in Utah.


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